Learn Etiquette’s in Bangalore

Learn Etiquette in Bangalore GroomX Finishing studio goes far beyond the strict rules of etiquette and offers a fresh approach to contemporary social skills and image management. We teach how best as well evaluate each social also business circumstance and to respond with appropriate dress including behavior depending on a variety of cultures. Learn Etiquette’s […]

Learn Etiquette’s in Bangalore
Learn Etiquette in Bangalore
GroomX Finishing Academy goes far beyond the strict rules of etiquette and offers a fresh approach to contemporary social skills and image management. We teach how best as well evaluate each social also business circumstance and to respond with appropriate dress including behavior depending on a variety of cultures.

Learn Etiquette’s in GroomX, It focuses on using the image as an effective communication tool as well as develop a personal and professional image brand, Learn Etiquette’s.

Here are just some of the vital leadership skills instilled:

Social Capital
Image Development
Customer Service
Communication Skills
Posture & Poise
Self Esteem
Life Skills and much more!
We aim to cater as well as both Corporate Clients together with Institutions to upgrade.

GroomX Public Speaking courses are essential soft skills courses for students looking to overcome fear and improve their public speaking skills in a short time.
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